This game feel so inconsistent.
The main movement is free and smooth with sliding momentum mechanics yet the jump hard aligns you to the grid and 8 main directions in a jerky hard to predict motion that ignores all momentum.
Freezing the enemies is just get close to them and roll a dice.
You walk past them and half the time you freeze them half the time nothing happens.
You walk into them and half the time you freeze them half the time you just lose.
I have no clue what other mechanics could be involved in freezing them, by experimentation i figured already that jumping and the floor tiles being frozen are completely unrelated mechanically.
The scoring is... what am i supposed to do again?
The description promises speeding past foes in a fast-paced adventure so we are supposed to go as fast as possible, right?? WRONG time is not even a factor in score, try to go as fast as possible and you get an F score...
So maybe it's one of those game where grinding for score turns into a puzzle game of figuring out the optimal path. Maybe that's the intention but like the enemies that you have to kill all have random movements so there is no optimal path as it changes in every attempt.
At least the %tiles iced scoring is intuitive, has a in game ui tracking it for you and it all actually works. However the combo breaks... What even is a combo break anyways?? absolutely zero indication of one happening, the name doesn't give any clue of what you have to do (apparently what you *don't* have to do) and i have no reason to trust that whatever tracks them isn't as inconsistent as freezing enemies.
The point is, i have gotten S scores to F scores and the combo break score might as well be a random number.
Even if the ranking system made sense, would you like to grind S ranks in a game where every action requires you to win a coin toss?
Ok now for the positives, if you completely ignore the rankings on each level the gameplay works well enough, you can actually have fun playing the game and there is a good amount of level to play through.
And oh yeah the graphics and music and stuff, it's all good no complaints there.